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Launch week favor to ask

Hello alluser,
This Tuesday my new book, The Ultimate Marketing Engine, starts shipping in the US and I would love to ask for some support.

Many of you will receive books you ordered or that day so you'll get a chance to dive right in. (If you have not ordered your copy yet - order today and you'll likely receive it tomorrow)

Here are a few ways you can support the launch this week if you choose:
  1. I will be live streaming at 8 am MT - M-Th on FB and LinkedIn feel free to join, invite others and share your comments
  2. Post in your social channels - here are some example posts and images -
  3. Once you receive your book head on over to Amazon and leave a review and I would to see images of yourself with the book on social media with #theultimatemarketingengine hashtag
  4. If you feel compelled to do so an email to your list is often the most potent way to drive sales - just send folks to

Thanks in advance and looking forward to developing the material in this book even further with you!


P.S. I apologize in advance as I might be a little loud this week with requests but do know I truly appreciate the many ways you have supported my work and hope you feel a bit of that in return.

Duct Tape Marketing, 941 Indian Peak Rd, Golden, CO 80403, United States
