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Showing posts with label Software. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Software. Show all posts

Telegram Automation Sender Group - Channel - User



Save Ad Cost and Maximize Zero Cost Marketing on Telegram

(Can use on Windows computer only)

 Save Advertising Costs and Maximize Zero Cost Marketing In Telegram. Extract Member, Add Member to Group, Send Message to Member or Group. Automate Your Business On Telegram Now!

 TELEGRAM AUTOMATION is a software designed for those who want to automate task in Telegram such as extract members from groups, add member to groups, send messages to member or send message to groups directly from PC in a simple and effective way. If you are an online seller and want to save on ads and marketing, then this software is right for you. System 100% follow Telegram API.

Main Features:

✩ Can extract members from Group or Channel

✩ Can add members to own Group or Channel

✩ Can send personal messages to members

✩ Can broadcast messages into joined groups

✩ No need to login Telegram web/desktop to run this software

✩ Can run software from multiple Telegram accounts (unlimited)

✩ Support all Windows OS

* for Channel, only admin/owner of channel can extract all members.
* for Group, non-admin can extract all members from any groups (must join before extract).

telegram automation

Extract all members from a group

telegram automation

Send message to users

telegram automation

Add members to group

With this software, you can save a lot of your time in Telegram marketing. Now prospecting for sales and marketing becomes very easy and productive. Get it and start increase your sales today!

Learn More  Here

Instagram Leads Extractor



(PixLeads Software)

Extract Email & Phone Number from Instagram

(Can use on Windows computer only)

Google Leads Extractor



(PixLeads Software)

Extract Email & Phone Number from any Websites

(Chrome Extension - Can use on Windows or Mac computer)

Auto Whatsapp Sender Broadcast


Kit & Panduan Lengkap
Automasi Bisnes di Whatsapp

AUTOWASAP merupakan kit Automasi Bisnes di Whatsapp meliputi software serta panduan dengan kit utamanya adalah Autowasap Blaster. Fungsi hebat yang terkandung dalam kit ini termasuk aplikasi yang boleh hantar ribuan mesej secara sistematik, broadcast mesej ke group, extract nombor dari senarai chat atau group wasap, auto reply mesej wasap, auto save nombor wasap dan banyak lagi!

Facebook AutoPost - Web Base


How To Instant "Post On Multiple Facebook Groups or Pages" Even While You Sleep and Boost Your Ads to Potential Targeted Buyers in Facebook, With Just 3 Easy Steps!

Easiest Way to Build a Massive Marketing and Increase Your Sales!

Facebook Fanpage Sender


Tingkatkan Jualan Dengan Cara 'Blast Message' Kepada Semua Prospek Yang Pernah Chat di FB Page Anda! 😉

Untuk FB Ads marketer & FB Page owner, kini anda boleh auto Send Message dan Follow Up semua prospek yang pernat chat di FB Page anda dengan cepat, mudah dan jimat kos!

Facebook Fanpage Finder


Dapatkan Ribuan Prospek Yang Lebih Tepat di Facebook Untuk Tingkatkan Jualan dan Luaskan Pasaran Anda 😉

Khusus untuk Biz-Owner atau Internet Marketer, kini anda boleh dapatkan senarai prospek yang targeted dari Facebook Pages dengan mudah dan cepat. Anda juga boleh dapatkan Email dan Phone Number dan ini memudahkan untuk anda hubungi bakal ejen atau pelanggan anda!

Learn More  Here

Social Media Automation



Here are some outstanding features on our service. However, there are many interesting features not yet listed here

No downloads

You can use our service straight from the web on all browsers. You don't need to download or install anything to enjoy our service.

Saving Time

Dedicating just 10-20 minutes a day on your social media strategy can dramatically improve your customer relations and interactions.

Set schedule your posts

Select your date, time or whenever you want to publish on each your social accounts.

Analytics performance of your posts

You can see all your posts how it work and increase does. It will help you control your audiences and target.

Influencer Marketing

Focus on your top influencers & supporters so you don't miss their engagements follow them.

Safe and Secure

Your data is safe with us. We're not one of those companies that gives your personal information away.

Streamline your social media processes & delivery for your clients

Whether focusing on a campaign for one brand or managing social across hundreds, Our service helps agency teams be more productive by managing all their client activities from a centralized hub. Our service is guaranteed to save your hours each day


Auto Facebook Automation Software


Jimatkan Kos Iklan dan Maksimumkan Pemasaran Zero Kos Di Facebook 😉

Kini Anda Boleh Post Iklan Di Multi Group, Auto Join Group, Auto Add Friend & Hantar Inbox Message Kepada Rakan Dengan Mudah Tanpa Halangan Dan Semudah ABC. Automasikan Bisnes Anda Di Facebook Sekarang!

Learn More  Here
