Hey alluser,

Ever wondered how to unleash your website's revenue growth with Google Analytics?

Google Analytics is, without a doubt, the world's best website tracking solution.

Unfortunately, most users don't know how to make informed decisions and grow their business using their Google Analytics data.

The part of the problem lies in the fact that it's not easy to set up Analytics for gathering important website data like form conversions, event tracking, sales tracking, and more.

Today, I wanted to show you the easiest tool that helps you unlock all your Google Analytics data with just a few clicks.

It's called MonsterInsights.

With MonsterInsights, you don't have to be tech-savvy in order to find how people find and use your website, your forms, your ads, and your marketing campaigns.

This WordPress plugin makes it "effortless" to set up Google Analytics in WordPress, the RIGHT way and enables all the features you want with just a few clicks.

You'll get advanced tracking data, like:

  • WordPress form tracking
  • Enhanced ecommerce tracking
  • Downloads tracking
  • Affiliate links tracking
  • And more…
Get started with MonsterInsights today

It will only take a few minutes to get going with your Analytics data, and you'll be on your way to boosting your conversions and revenue.

Talk soon,
Thomas Griffin
Co-founder of OptinMonster

P.S: Want to try the free version of MonsterInsights? Check out MonsterInsights Lite here.