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Recession-Proof Your Business

Uncertain times are ahead of us.

Thoughts of a long recession and its hard-hitting effects are keeping many business owners awake at night.

The panic that's spreading on social media is proof of that.

So I'm writing this email to set your mind at ease. 

To help you flip the script and see things from a different perspective. One that allows you to survive and potentially thrive during recession.

Because there is opportunity for growth even in the lowest moments. 

How do you capture it?

When times are tough, you put your head down and work!

Work on being authentic and transparent.

Your audience and clients look up to you for certain values and experiences. 

If you're not true to who you are as an expert, market leader, brand… your bottom-line will suffer. 

So pay attention to who and what you are for your customers. What's your position in your industry, and how are your products/services creating value? 

✅ Audit your processes, systems, internal rules, external policies, and strategies.

And then double down on what you're trying to achieve. Show your audience that your business is more dedicated than ever to solving their issues.

Instead of seeing the recession as the end of the world, see it as a challenge.

An opportunity to connect with your audience on a deeper level.

To improve your operations and marketing.

And to showcase your values. 

Right now we're at the Crossing of the Threshold.

In the Hero's Journey, that's when the adventure and the transformation begins. 

The hero undergoes tests, and learns new things about how the world works in preparation for the approach of the Innermost Cave.

That's the place of the Ordeal, of the life and death challenge that needs to be passed in order to seize the 'sword'... to capture the reward. 

You're the Hero, and as your business crosses the threshold into the unknown in preparation for the Recession, you need to stay strong and understand that hard times are necessary for growth.

Your efforts will pay off as long as you keep your direction.

And you don't have to do this by yourself.

Just like the Hero has allies in the magic world, you have the OptinMonster team on your side.

We're also staying true to our goal of helping small businesses compete with the big guys.

That's why we're hiring new people and doubling down on making OptinMonster a better product. 

Because we want you to win.

We're here to offer support and guidance, and I want you to feel comfortable enough to share your worries with us.

📧 Reply to this email and let me know how we can help you survive and thrive in this upcoming recession.

Do you want practical advice on marketing strategies?

Do you want help with creating better-converting campaigns?

Share anything that you believe could help, and we'll do our best to deliver. 

We'll get through this together!

And if you're not an OptinMonster customer yet, you can register for an account here (35% OFF).

Why should you join? Because marketing is more important than ever now, and our clients are consistently making great profit with OptinMonster… anywhere from 20% to 300% increase in sales. 

We also have a 14-day money-back guarantee, so there's no risk involved. 

Looking forward to your reply!

And yes, we'll help you out even if you're not a customer yet.

Talk to you soon,

General Manager

2701 Okeechobee Blvd., West Palm Beach, FL 33409
