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Getting quality traffic with Facebook...

🎩 Tip your hat and 🥛 raise your glass to Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage, Alluser, because it's International Mathematician's Week. 

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This newsletter is brought to you by the Crypto Business Conference.

In today's edition:

LIVE Q&A: Web3 For Beginners – The Metaverse: Holding Events and More
If you are curious about how marketing is changing, join us for our weekly Twitter Space designed to help you on your journey. We include plenty of time for Q&A to answer all the questions you've been waiting to ask. Thursday at 5 PM Pacific time on Twitter @smexaminer. Catch all the replays here.

NFTs, DAOs, and Web3. Oh My!
Overwhelmed by all the acronyms and new technologies in the news? Web3 doesn't have to be confusing. Attending the Crypto Business Conference with an All-Access ticket is your sure bet to understand and leverage Web3 for your goals. Grab your ticket today!

Bringing You the Future of Business
Wondering what Web3 is and how it can impact you? Tune in to the Crypto Business podcast to learn about NFTs, social tokens, DAOs, and the new frontier of the Internet.

When you launch a website traffic campaign in Meta Ads Manager, Meta offers multiple optimization options to send traffic to your site, depending on your desired outcome.

If you want volume and link clicks, you select the Link Clicks optimization option. 

But if you're looking for quality over quantity of visits, select the Landing Page Views optimization option at the ad set level.

This option tells the algorithm to focus on people who'll click your ad and wait for your website to load, rather than people who tend to click a lot of links by accident or who haven't demonstrated interest in the type of content on the landing page itself.

Campaigns that optimize for landing page views report the number of views that result from the ad, which can be problematic because reporting and optimization don't consider true engagement during a visit as a signal for ad delivery and optimization.

This means that engaged visits don't directly positively impact the performance of your campaign. If the user chooses to close your landing page after only a few seconds, leaves your website open without engaging, or spends only a few seconds reading your content, the algorithm doesn't care. But you should.

If you take a closer look at external analytics tools like Google Analytics, you may see a lot of traffic (quantity) is coming from the Landing Page Views optimized campaign but the average session duration is quite low (quality).

When a campaign doesn't generate the quality traffic you want, you'll need to find alternative ways to get better results.

You can take Landing Page Views one step further by combining Timer and Scroll Depth triggers in Google Tag Manager to fire an event tag in Meta Events Manager.

For a full tutorial, read the full article.

Michael Stelzner, Founder and CEO

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