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It's "Read a New Book" 📖 month, Alluser...

📚 Business, history, mystery... what are you reading?

This newsletter is brought to you by the 10th Annual Social Media Marketing World. Save $600 on your All-Access Ticket. SALE ENDS TODAY.

In this week's edition:


How to Sell More on Instagram With Promo Codes
Want more sales from your Instagram following? Wondering how to promote a coupon code on Instagram? Find out how to market with promo codes on Instagram.

How to Audit Your Facebook Page in 5 Steps
Need to clean up your Facebook business page? Looking for a better way to manage your content? Learn how to review and update your Facebook business presence.


Search Engine Optimization: How to Rank Number One on Google
Want your content to rank higher in search? Looking for a proven strategy to follow? Discover how to improve your Google search rank.

The Evolution of NFT Business Models
Are you looking for ways to grow a business with NFTs? Wondering what works and what doesn't? Find out how NFT business models are evolving, mistakes to avoid, and much more.

Discover the Latest Instagram Changes, Updates, and More
Follow the Social Media Marketing Talk Show podcast to get the current news.


🎥 Want To Try Video? Explore Expert-Led Sessions at #SMMW23
Need to understand more about video marketing and the latest strategies? Find everything you need to know about promoting your business with video at Social Media Marketing World. Save $600 on an All-Access ticket.

Want your message seen and heard by a ton of marketers? Learn more.


  • Instagram Reach: Use Account Status to quickly see whether your account and its content are eligible for surfacing to non-followers via Reels, Explore, or the Feed. 
  • LinkedIn B2B Ad Targeting: Group Identity has fully rolled out to advertisers.
  • Twitter Blue Is Back: The service relaunches with two checkmarks and plans to rollout a third.

Michael Stelzner, Founder and CEO

P.S. Add into your contacts list. Use Gmail? Go here to add us as a contact.  

We publish updates with links for our new posts and content from partners. Your information: Email: Opted in on: 2021-09-06 17:20:47 UTC.
