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Lead generation lessons from Gandhi

What did Mahatma Gandhi know about lead generation?

Probably nothing…

But we can extract very important lessons from his teachings. 

He might've not known what a lead is, but he understood people.

And lead generation is nothing more than finding and capturing the attention of people that might be interested in what you have to sell

So, let's take a look at what Gandhi said, and how you can apply that in your lead generation strategy. 

💡 "An ounce of practice is worth more than tons of preaching."

Show, don't tell.

This should be a fundamental principle in your marketing. Always focus on showing your expertise, not talking about it. 

Make videos showcasing your product/service. Offer free trials and samples. Apply what you teach. 

The more your audience sees you're walking the walk, the more they will trust you. 

💡 "The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others."

It's not about you and your business, it's about the people you serve.

Whether you sell products or services, your end goal should be to improve the lives of those you're interacting with. 

If the outcome is positive, people will buy again and again. 

Before running a lead generation campaign, think of the outcome. Yes, you will get prospects, but that should be the secondary effect and not the priority. 

The goal is to provide value. 

Value is a vague term, so think of immediate positive benefits your lead generation campaign can bring. 

If you're selling dog food, you can share an in-depth guide on "How and what to feed dogs based on their breed". 

That would be valuable, it would showcase your expertise, and it would be directly connected to the product you're trying to sell. 

💡 "If I had no sense of humor, I would long ago have committed suicide."

The quote itself might be extreme, but the lesson is valuable. 

Don't forget you're dealing with people when doing business.

From time to time it's good to show there's a human behind the brand. In fact, this is one of the advantages of running a small business.

People buy from small businesses because they know they'll be treated like human beings and not like numbers on a spreadsheet

They will get a better and more personal experience. This is just a reminder to add that human touch in your marketing and lead generation. 

💡 "Whatever you do may seem insignificant to you, but it is most important that you do it."

You might believe there's nothing valuable you can share with your audience. There's no point in creating a lead magnet because there are so many out there. 

You can't reinvent the wheel, so why bother creating another piece of content that might not work? 

Well, you have to realize that you're in the position of the expert. You know your subject very well, but your prospects most likely don't. 

For you, sharing something "basic" in a lead magnet might be insignificant... but for your audience it might be just what they need to get to the next phase in their journey.

Found these ideas helpful?

Apply Gandhi's lessons in a lead generation campaign with Page-Level Targeting!

Why Page-Level Targeting?

Because it's a great way to show a personalized campaign to your visitors, based on their interests and interaction with your website. 

You can offer real value (with the added human touch), and you can easily segment your email list.

If you have any questions, reply to this email. 

Talk again soon,

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2701 Okeechobee Blvd., West Palm Beach, FL 33409
