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What gets viewed on Facebook…

📰 Wednesday is "News You Can Use" day, Alluser!

This newsletter is brought to you by the 10th annual Social Media Marketing World.

In today's edition, we bring you news from:

  • Facebook
  • LinkedIn
  • Twitter
  • YouTube

🔥 Here's a word from our sponsors:

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What People See on Facebook

Meta recently released its Q4 2022 Widely Viewed Content Report on the most-viewed domains, links, Pages, and posts from the Facebook Feed in the United States. Insights include:

  1. 74.5% of views came from posts shared by people's friends, from Groups people had joined, or Pages they had followed. 
  2. Of the remaining 25.5% of Feed content views, 16.8% came from in feed recommendations via 'unconnected posts'.
  3. YouTube and TikTok led the list of most-viewed non-Facebook domains.

For more insights, read the full report.

🧭 Here is more news you can use:

Michael Stelzner, Founder and CEO

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