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 From website visitors to paying customers (step by step)

One of the most profitable ways of acquiring customers online is through an email marketing funnel. 

The only thing you need to get started with this is a website or a simple landing page that gets traffic.

Once you have that, you can follow these steps: 

Step 1) Capture traffic and turn it into leads.

I suggest you create a straightforward lead generation form

It doesn't have to be complicated, because the "pitch" you're making in the form is more important than the structure you're using.

Basically, you're pitching your visitors a promise of value. 

Step 2) Verify the quality of your leads

You could jump straight into sending emails, but if you plan on doing something, it's better to do it well.

Verifying the quality of your leads will increase your conversion rate down the line. 

With that out of the way, it's time for…

Step 3) Send emails.

The first email you'll send to your new subscribers is a Confirmation Email. 

When you do this, I want you to think beyond the obvious purpose of the message (which is to have them confirm their subscription).

You have an opportunity to convert them right out of the gate. You can offer them an exclusive discount or you can present an offer that makes them feel special in order to drive action.

Go here to read about ideas and best practices for Confirmation Emails

Step 4) Learn how to write subject lines that get crazy open rates.

The first goal of an email is to get opened. If that doesn't happen, then it doesn't matter how amazing your content is.

Step 5) Keep your emails out of Spam.

This is something a lot of businesses struggle with… but you can stop emails from going to spam by following a few rules.

That's it. If you apply the information in this email you'll have a good foundation for turning website visitors into paying customers.

If you have any questions, just reply to this email. 

Talk again soon,

General Manager

2701 Okeechobee Blvd., West Palm Beach, FL 33409
