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Getting more Instagram exposure…

It's Give Someone a 🧁 Cupcake Day, Alluser!

This seems like a good time to practice the one for you, one for me approach...   

This newsletter is brought to you by our free Web3 for Beginners course.

In today's edition:

  • Instagram visibility
  • LinkedIn networking
  • YouTube content strategy
  • NFTs made easily

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Instagram guides live on your profile page and are collections of IG content you curate, organize, and update based on a theme of your choice.

Like any static IG content, guides allow bookmarks so you can encourage users to save and revisit them regularly.

Although many guides focus on posts, this isn't your only option. The platform offers three different types of guides and each supports a different type of content.

  • Posts guides tell stories by weaving together existing posts or serve as comprehensive resources on a theme. This type is a great option for sharing tips or a how-to guide.
  • Product guides highlight items available in IG shops. Each entry includes a post with tagged products and a product page. Product guides make it easy for users to browse and buy items directly through IG.
  • Location guides feature venues, stores, businesses, and other sites that are taggable on IG. Similar to product guides, location guides include a location page and a post that features the site. They're ideal for planning tours and trips.

To learn how to create Instagram guides that people love and return to regularly, read the full article.

Michael Stelzner, Founder and CEO

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