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Facebook Creator Features

📰 Wednesday is "News You Can Use" day, Alluser!

This newsletter is brought to you by the Tools Resource Guide.

In today's edition, we bring you news from:

  • Facebook
  • LinkedIn

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Facebook Creator Features

Facebook announced that it is "making it easier than ever for creators to express themselves with Reels."

  1. In your Professional Dashboard, the Inspiration Hub now shows popular reels, hashtags, topics, and music you can browse.
  2. In Reels Composer, use the Templates Hub to speed up reels creation.
  3. A unified editing screen in the Facebook mobile app combines audio, music, and text tools that make it easier to "layer and time the various creative elements of your reel exactly how you want them to appear."
  4. Coming soon, when you upload long-form video or finish a Live, you can clip a reel that links to the original video.

To learn more about these and other new features, read the full article.

🧭 Here is more news you can use:

  • LinkedIn: A number of creator features have been removed including profile videos, carousel posts, and in-image links.

Michael Stelzner, Founder and CEO

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