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Selling to burned out prospects in an overwhelming online world

Hey alluser,

I've been thinking about how noisy marketing has gotten over the years. 

Even more so in the past few months. 

We've really accelerated the pace at which we consume media and information.

Navigating this is a challenge for our reptilian brains that are still wired for survival and social interactions in small communities. 

In this hectic world, overwhelm is always around the corner. 

And an overwhelmed brain, forced to process to its limit, is not a brain that can make decisions. 

That includes buying decisions. 

This puts us in a pickle.

You need to sell to overwhelmed prospects that are pulled in multiple directions.

The state of marketing in 2024 is pushing you toward delivering more of the things that create overwhelm in the first place. 

You can't change the medium or the channel. 

You need to be on social media, you need to run ads, do SEO, make videos, send emails, drive traffic to your website, and so on. 

What then? 

Give your prospects a breath of fresh air. Give them time to pause and unwind as part of your marketing experience.

When they land on your website, make it a smooth ride. Instead of giving them additional decisions to make (where to click, what to read)... show them exactly what they want, in a simple and clear way.

The more you can lower confusion, the more likely your visitors will convert.

Think of it as a journey, and you're the guide.

One way business owners do this effectively is through Page-Level Targeting.

Flywheel increased website engagement 660% using this approach.

It works no matter your industry, business type, or target market. 

Give it a try, and if you have any questions, reply to this email.

Talk again soon,

General Manager

400 Executive Center Dr., Suite 208, West Palm Beach, FL 33401
