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635 pengarah syarikat dihalang keluar Malaysia akibat tunggakan caruman KWSP

DBKL batal sambutan Ambang Merdeka 2024; Mayat bayi bawah lantai simen: Polis kesan penyewa wanita Indonesia; Jebat syukur kebenaran terbukti, tiada niat bolot harta arwah Jins Shamsuddin; Penyelam TLDM maut ketika operasi salvaj KD Pendekar
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7 Topic Paling Hangat - Astro AWANI

KHAMIS, 29 OGOS 2024 - 24 SAFAR 1446H

635 pengarah syarikat dihalang keluar Malaysia akibat tunggakan caruman KWSP

KWSP dalam satu kenyataan berkata tindakan itu diambil di bawah Seksyen 39 Akta KWSP 1991.


Kerajaan arah bayar balik pelanggan jika penerbangan lewat lebih lima jam

DBKL batal sambutan Ambang Merdeka 2024

Nik Nazmi, Fahmi tarik diri bertanding jawatan Presiden KLFA

Mayat bayi bawah lantai simen: Polis kesan penyewa wanita Indonesia

Jebat syukur kebenaran terbukti, tiada niat bolot harta arwah Jins Shamsuddin

Pasangan kekasih diberkas bersama dadah lebih RM2 juta

Kolumnis AWANI

Strengthening governance and integrity: Tracing reform efforts in the Federal Territory

In building a successful and competitive nation, the aspects of governance and integrity cannot be overlooked.

Akhbar Satar

bekas Presiden, TI-Malaysia

Dapatkan tip menghadapi cuaca panas dan info empangan di sini
Dapatkan tip menghadapi cuaca panas dan info empangan di sini

Menarik di Podcast Astro AWANI

Consider This: Children at Risk — The 'Triple Burden' of Malnutrition

A study published last year showed the increasing prevalence of the 'triple burden' of child malnutrition in Malaysia—the coexistence of stunting, obesity and micronutrient deficiencies in children aged 6 months to 12 years. Are we acting fast enough to prevent this from becoming a generational health crisis? On this episode of #ConsiderThis Melisa Idris speaks to the Principal Investigator for Malaysia for the Southeast Asian Nutrition Survey 2019-2020, Professor Dr Poh Bee Koon, Professor of Nutrition at the Center for Community Health Studies under UKM's Faculty of Health Sciences, where she specialises in childhood and adolescent nutrition, and consultant paediatrician Dr Musa Nordin.

Dapatkan liputan dan kedudukan terkini Liga Super di sini

Video Pilihan Untuk Anda

Gas SO2 letusan Reykjanes cecah beberapa kawasan Eropah

Skinos cipta jam kesan strok haba melalui peluh

Penyelam TLDM maut ketika operasi salvaj KD Pendekar

Rakyat Malaysia pilih jenama tempatan berbanding luar negara - Shopee

Raikan Hari Kebangsaan dan Hari Malaysia dengan kempen Inilah KITA di sini
Raikan Hari Kebangsaan dan Hari Malaysia dengan kempen Inilah KITA di sini


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Langgan saluran Youtube Astro AWANI sekarang!

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EXCLUSIVE: Veekhash Logendran's Remarkable Feat at 3 Garners Praise for His Exceptional Memory | Astro Ulagam

Emas Anuar STL: Keputusan undian suku akhir Divisyen 1 | Stadium Astro

Celebrates National and Malaysia Day 2024 #InilahKITA

Peristiwa 28 Ogos

Hari ini 61 tahun yang lalu, Martin Luther King Jr. menyampaikan ucapan "I have a dream" pada Perarakan di Washington untuk Pekerjaan & Kebebasan.

Dapatkan informasi terkini PRK Mahkota di sini
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