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Elak berkunjung ke Yala, Narathiwat dan Pattani buat masa ini - Wisma Putra

Pokok tumbang, khemah Bazar Ramadan ranap di Subang Jaya; Serangan jantung dan virus punca Gene Hackman dan isteri meninggal dunia; Polis ta...

Pembangunan bandar di Malaysia perlu pertahan identiti negara - PM Anwar

Kerajaan setuju diskaun tol 50 peratus sempena Tahun Baharu Cina - Nanta; Dakwa anak dipukul guru, ibu mahu pembelaan sewajarnya; Polis Selangor sahkan kes tembakan libatkan APMM, warga asing; Dua kebakaran baharu tercetus di San Diego, California
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7 Topic Paling Hangat - Astro AWANI

SABTU, 25 JANUARI 2025 - 25 REJAB 1446H

Pembangunan bandar di Malaysia perlu pertahan identiti negara - PM Anwar

Perancangan pembangunan bandar di Malaysia perlu mempertahankan identiti negara ini terutamanya dalam aspek kesenian dan kebudayaan, walaupun menggunakan teknologi canggih.


Sindiket penyeludupan vape berkait rangkaian antarabangsa

Dakwa anak dipukul guru, ibu mahu pembelaan sewajarnya

Kerajaan setuju diskaun tol 50 peratus sempena Tahun Baharu Cina - Nanta

Anwar tiada masalah dengan "Himpunan Rakyat Benci Rasuah", tapi gesa bersifat adil

Polis Selangor sahkan kes tembakan libatkan APMM, warga asing

Presiden Mexico tolak semakan awal perjanjian AS-Mexico-Kanada

Kolumnis AWANI

Malaysia MADANI: Transformasi menuju negara gemilang

Kebangkitan Malaysia ke arah era baharu bukan sekadar sebuah cetusan idea, tetapi sebuah iltizam yang melangkaui batas politik, budaya, serta ekonomi.

Yahaya Abdullah

Bekas Panel Pemikir JASA

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Menarik di Podcast Astro AWANI

The Future Is Female: Sustainable Development — Science Panels of the Amazon & Congo Basin

The Amazon and Congo Basin rainforests are two of Earth's most vital ecosystems, yet they face threats that could forever alter their futures—and ours. These ecosystems are under immense pressure from deforestation, exploitation, and the mounting impacts of climate change. Established under the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (UN SDSN), the Science Panel for the Amazon and the Science Panel for the Congo Basin are bringing together the world's leading scientists, Indigenous voices, and policymakers to deliver solutions that could shape the future of these vital regions. On this episode of The Future Is Female, Melisa Idris speaks with Emma Torres, Vice President for the Americas, and Head of the New York office for the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network. She's also the Strategic Coordinator of the Science Panel for the Amazon, and the Science Panel for the Congo Basin.

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Video Pilihan Untuk Anda

Patung Kapten Cook di Sydney disimbah cat merah

Dua kebakaran baharu tercetus di San Diego, California

Its About YOUth: Advancing disability rights in Malaysia

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Discover The Collision Room: Where Astro AWANI and Gen Z redefine storytelling!
Discover The Collision Room: Where Astro AWANI and Gen Z redefine storytelling!


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Dapatkan infografik, petikan inspirasi, dan fakta menarik tentang Jalaluddin Rumi di sini!
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