Pegang telefon dibenarkan, tapi solat sambil 'live' di media sosial boleh jejas khusyuk - Mufti; Gerai haram penjaja asing sekitar Bazaria Wangsa Maju digempur; Peniaga akui terkesan dengan kenaikan harga santan
ISNIN, 3 MAC 2025 - 2 RAMADAN 1446H |
| | SPRM mengesahkan merampas wang tunai RM170 juta dalam pelbagai mata wang asing serta menyita 16 kilogram jongkong emas tulen melibatkan pegawai bekas perdana menteri itu. | BACA DI SINI | | | | | | | |
Peniaga perlu mengambil langkah menjaga kebersihan gerai dan makanan, mengurangkan penggunaan plastik, serta menguruskan sisa dengan lebih berkesan. Nor Afandy Hamid dan Dr Abdul Mutalib Embong Pensyarah Kanan di Pusat Pendidikan Asas dan Lanjutan (PPAL), Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT), Terengganu. | | | | |
Dapatkan waktu berbuka, imsak, kalkulator zakat, artikel menarik Ramadan di sini | | The government is set to table the Gig Workers Bill during this session of Parliament. The Bill aims to define gig work, regulate income structures, and introduce social protections—measures the government says will uphold the welfare and rights of workers in the gig economy. So will this Bill truly empower gig workers, or might it leave them in a grey area between independence and vulnerability? On this episode of #ConsiderThis Melisa Idris speaks with Wan Agyl Wan Hassan, Founder and CEO of MY Mobility Vision, and Jose Rizal, Chief Activist of Gabungan eHailing Malaysia. | | | | |
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