Hey alluser,

Today, I want to share with you one of the cool tricks we use at OptinMonster to transform our website into a lead generation machine.

This is one of my favorite lead generation methods for 2 reasons…
  1. It's so easy to set up on ANY website (No targeting/trigger rules)
  2. It instantly grows your email list automagically
If you truly want to skyrocket your email subscribers, you'll definitely need to give it a try on your site.

The method I am talking about is…

»» Automatic Campaign Embedding ««


Embedding an optin form on every blog post can be a hassle, especially if you're not a developer.

But with OptinMonster, in just a few clicks, you can automatically place your optin forms anywhere on your blog posts, including
  • Below blog post
  • Above blog post
  • After a specified number of words
  • After a specified number of paragraphs

How to embed campaigns automatically on WordPress (Hint: Don't miss the 4th step)

Try automatic embedding today and grow your email list exponentially!

Talk soon,
Shahzad Saeed
Product Educator, OptinMonster