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Facebook organic marketing tips...

What does the perfect Friday look like to you, Alluser? If it involves starting your day with a perfectly frothed latte and then crushing your goals—we can help with at least one of those things.

In this edition:

  • What works on FB

  • Advertising benchmarks

  • More FB ad updates 

This newsletter is brought to you by the Crypto Business podcast with Michael Stelzner. Simply search "Crypto Business" in your favorite listening app and follow the show. 

Facebook Organic Marketing: What Works in 2022
Seeing a decline in your organic metrics? Looking for new ways to improve your non-paid efforts? Discover nine techniques that work on the world's biggest social platform. 

Facebook and Instagram Ad Benchmarks: What Marketers Need to Know
Thinking of doing more with paid placement on FB and IG in 2022? Wondering how other marketers are doing things? Explore the current metrics and usage you need to build a strategy that converts in 2022.

LIVE Today: Facebook Ads Changes with Michael Stelzner and Allie Bloyd
Discover the latest on our live show today at noon Pacific / 3pm Eastern or listen to the audio (dropping on Saturday on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Podcasts).


Announcing our Recommended Tools
Looking for solutions to make your job a little easier? Discover tools that save you time, help drive engagement, and boost sales. Check out what we recommend to take your marketing to the next level.

What's One Good Idea Worth to A Marketer?
Everything you'll learn at Social Media Marketing World over the course of three days could open up a world of possibilities for your company. Join other smart marketers by grabbing your All-Access ticket today and explore sessions, keynotes, and workshops across four core learning areas.


Michael Stelzner, Founder and CEO

P.S. Add into your contacts list. Use Gmail? Go here to add us as a contact.  

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