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Malaysia perkukuh kedudukan sebagai pusat perdagangan, kewangan, teknologi berdaya saing - PM Anwar

Pelajar patah tulang hidung ditumbuk akibat salah faham; Hakim PBB dituduh memperhambakan pekerja sendiri; SPRM buka dua kertas siasatan ter...

Why you should care about the Metaverse…

This newsletter is brought to you by Social Media Marketing World.

#1: Leverage These Instagram Trends in 2022

Want to improve your IG results? Have you taken advantage of the latest wave of IG innovations? Discover emerging trends that you can put to work in your plans right away.

#2: How to Improve Your LinkedIn Reach and Engagement

Is your LI not seeing much traction? Wondering how to get eyeballs on your content? In this video, expert Mandy McEwen breaks down how to transform your presence on the platform.

#3: Grow Your Leads in 2022 With These 8 Techniques

Are you looking for new ways to generate more prospects for your business? Find eight ways to beef up the top of your funnel.

#4: 12 YouTube Ads Enhancements That Improve Results

Is your YT ad performance declining? Are you looking for a path to results without breaking the bank? Discover 12 new advertising formats and targeting features that will enhance your video campaigns.

#5: The Metaverse: What Marketers Need to Do to Prepare

Wondering what the Metaverse is and what it could mean for marketers? Are you interested in preparing for the future of business? Discover why marketers should care about this new development, how to prepare, and how it fits into longer-term strategies.

#6: Trends and Baselines for Instagram Stories Marketing

It's no secret that IG is changing and video is huge. Wondering how to get in on the action? Explore how businesses are using Instagram Stories.


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Attending Social Media Marketing World in beautiful San Diego, California is the ultimate mix of sun, fun, and learning. Join thousands of marketers for expert-level training from the world's leading pros AND have a great working vacation. Get your All-Access ticket now to experience it all.


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Mike Stelzner - Founder and CEO

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