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Selling more with Instagram…

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This newsletter is brought to you by Web3 for Beginners.

In today's edition:

  • Selling more on Instagram
  • Video strategy
  • Optimized customer acquisition
  • Gaming in Web3

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Want to leverage Instagram's native tools to improve sales and attract more customers? 

If you're planning a big sale or a launch, you can create in-app reminders to promote products and engage your audience.

Create a new post in the Instagram app, tap Add Reminder and enter the details, including an event name and start time. Once your post is live, Instagram users can tap to view details about the upcoming launch and get relevant reminders.

To add a reminder to an Instagram post, follow the steps covered above to complete the initial setup. But don't stop there.

After setting up a reminder in your account, you can attach it to new posts. Tap Add Reminder from the Instagram app's publishing workflow and you'll see all of your upcoming reminders listed at the top. Select an existing reminder to reuse it and generate even more opt-ins for your upcoming event.

To discover more actionable tips for selling products on Instagram, read the full article.

Michael Stelzner, Founder and CEO

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