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Nilai kebersamaan tanggungjawab bersama, tidak terbatas pada agama, bangsa - Sultan Pahang

Satu daripada 3 kanak-kanak Malaysia alami masalah obesiti; Bekalan beras putih tempatan tersedia di pasar raya seluruh negara - Mohamad; Ib...

An interesting conundrum…

It was a Monday afternoon in late July.

I met with my entire company to map out our vision for the next few years.

During that meeting, I mentioned a quote from Aldous Huxley.

He said, "Consistency is contrary to nature, contrary to life. The only completely consistent people are dead."

I shared this quote because it's really easy to keep doing what we've always done.

We've been taught that consistency is valuable. 

But, what if it's actually what's preventing us from getting to where we want to go?

The truth is that trying innovative things—with your marketing or your business—is essential to growth.

To do that, we have to stop doing old things.

When you embrace change, you become hungry for fresh ideas that could move you in the right direction. 

Social Media Marketing World is carefully designed to help you discover those fresh ideas.
"Unless you've been here, you can't know how incredibly life changing it can be for your business. It is by far, bar none, the best content driven conference I have ever been to," said attendee Sarah Brodie.


I hope you'll come and receive your next big ideas. 

Get your tickets today

I can't wait to meet you in person.

Michael Stelzner, founder of Social Media Examiner

