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Instagram collaborative media posts…

📰 Wednesday is "News You Can Use" day, Alluser!

This newsletter is brought to you by Social Media Marketing World. Check out the early speaker lineup!

In today's edition, we bring you news from:

  • Instagram
  • TikTok
  • X (Twitter)

🔥 Here's a word from our sponsors:

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Imagine having a co-pilot to create videos - that's invideo AI. Transform ideas into stunning visuals, instantly. Instruct the AI with text commands and get a ready-to-use video, including script, stock media, voiceover, and captions. Make edits and adjustments with simple text prompts. Creation just got 100x easier for content creators, YouTubers, and marketers. Test it out now - at no charge!

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This week, we explore changes from Instagram that matter for marketers and give you our thoughts on what's important, such as this test of collaborative media posts…

The platform is exploring a new twist on user-generated content: collaborative posting where followers contribute photos and videos to your feed posts.

In the test, users add related media to your posts, like group trip photos or different angles from an event. You then moderate new additions need approval before they go live to your feed.

Our Take: For marketers, theses collaborative posts could provide an engaging way to extend the lifespan of content. By allowing followers to continually add relevant media to a post even months later, your content would keep circulating in the feed algorithmically. It also provides brands an easy way to source additional photos or clips from an event, campaign, or activation.

The crowdsourced posts provide a lighter lift version of compiling user-generated content—one post at a time versus a whole feed or campaign of curated submissions. While UGC should always have a purpose, this on-the-fly style of collaboration could produce content that feels more authentic and community-powered for both brands and social media creators.

To review more Instagram updates, click below:

🧭 Here is more news you can use:

  • TikTok: Shops rolled out to the US market yesterday.
  • X: Notes on Videos rolled out to give All Top Writers a scalable solution for adding context to edited and AI-generated media.

Michael Stelzner, Founder and CEO

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