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Paying for groceries with website traffic (life hack)

I tried something different yesterday.

I went to a grocery store near me to buy some everyday things. 

When I got to the cashier, they scanned my items and told me the total price. 

I opened my phone and showed them my Google Analytics data from the past 30 days. 

"7,000 pageviews, I think that should cover it". 

I got my change and walked out the door.

It felt pretty good to pay with my hard earned traffic.

It was my first time doing this, but next week I should have enough pageviews to pay my bills. 

And if things go well, I might even put some traffic aside to buy a new car. 

It's an exciting time to be alive.

Unfortunately, that didn't happen… because life doesn't work like that.

Traffic has value ONLY if you can monetize it.

You can do that by selling ad space on your website.

You can do that through affiliate marketing (promoting other people's products). 

Or by selling your own services/products. 

So if you want a functioning business that can generate revenue (and profit), you need to learn how to convert traffic. 

The higher your website conversion rate, the more you'll earn.

And you can use that money to pay for groceries, bills, and whatever else you might want.

To make things easier for you, we put together a guide on how to increase your website conversion rate

You'll see it's pretty easy to go from traffic to money in your bank account… if you follow the right process.

So click the link below and start converting more traffic!

👉 How to Increase Your Website Conversion Rate

If you have any questions, reply to this email. 

Talk again soon,

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2701 Okeechobee Blvd., West Palm Beach, FL 33409
