Hey alluser,

Want to know what works best on your site?

Without a doubt, the best strategy to test what works is A/B testing.

But, most enterprise-level A/B testing tool is too expensive for small businesses.

So, today, I am going to walk you through a FREE A/B testing tool that lets you easily set up A/B tests on your site.

It is called Google Optimize!


A few reasons why I like Google Optimize:
  • Jam-packed with tons of features, yet it's absolutely free!
  • Easy to set up if used via a Google Analytics plugin like MonsterInsights
  • No need to be an Analytics / A/B testing expert to get started with Optimize

👉 Try Google Optimize (& Learn How to Use It Like a Pro) 👈

No matter what business you're in, running an A/B test on your site will help you bring in more conversions and revenue.

Talk soon,
Shahzad Saeed
Product Educator, OptinMonster