Hey alluser,

Did you know that globally, mobile conversion rates lag behind desktop… especially for retailers?

Although a significant portion of online traffic is via mobile devices, mobile conversions were at 1.81% with desktop at 1.98%, according to a study by Monetate.

If only there's an EASY WAY to beat the benchmark and skyrocket your mobile conversions. Oh, wait there is!

👉 Read the story of PortraitFlip! 👈

PortraitFlip is a retail startup that has been consistently converting over 3% of its mobile traffic into leads.

A few lessons you can learn from the PortraitFlip's unique story:
  • How to do audience research on your eCommerce store by running split tests
  • The best lead magnet for eCommerce stores (Spoiler alert: It's coupon codes!)
  • The exact methods to convert mobile traffic into leads

Check it out:
How PortraitFlip Converts Over 3% of Its Mobile Traffic into Leads

Takeaway: To beat the benchmark, you don't have to be an eCommerce juggernaut. All that you needed is a right tool that's easy to use combined with a great strategy!

Talk soon,
Shahzad Saeed
Product Educator, OptinMonster